Welcome to CurateAI.
Limitless creative.

Provide creative content direction using past performance data and computer vision.

coworkers on computers

Built for creatives

CurateAI is built to make your life easier. Deliver creative briefs design updates, and advertising campaigns.

Computer vision powered

Powered by computer vision. CurateAI provides you with a neural network trained creative database.

Optimize campaign performance

Optimize your ad creative with intelligent performance analysis using object detection.

coworkers on computers

ML creative recommendations
at your fingertips.

CurateAI provides machine learning powered creative recommendations based on past performance data. Analyze your ad creative, including video, dynamic, native, or display ads.

Reach out to explore all our offerings.

Let's connect so that we can customize our services to your company's needs. We love challenges. We're excited to get started.